We've Got a New Look

22 March 2018

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New look, who this?

It’s still us.

But why did we suddenly get more colourful? Well, last year, after we launched the product, we evaluated every corner of the user experience, and determined that there was ample opportunity to improve the way we communicate with you across all channels. So, we revamped our brand system. That means an expanded colour palette, improved typography, better images, and really just a more thought-out, comprehensive look and feel that you can count on, and most importantly, be proud to say “That’s where I invest my money!”

With each decision we made with the updated brand system, we first always made sure it fully aligned with our company mission to empower people to build meaningful, long-term wealth; and our brand values:intelligent; convenient; professional; trustworthy; empowering; thoughtful.

Using all of that in mind as a guide, we spent a lot of time brainstorming, researching, and user-testing (thanks to the customers who helped!) so that we could deliver an overall better experience for you.

Now, this is what we’ll be able to do:

Produce stronger communication materials

We were a little tired of always looking at just navy, green, and white. In fact, that was getting difficult to work with. We want to develop creative material and content for you, and having only three colours to work with was proving to be a challenge we simply didn’t need to deal with. It just felt stale. But now it doesn’t.

Communicate our brand values

This updated brand system enables us to communicate our brand values more effectively. When we were deciding on our brand values way back at the beginning of StashAway, we acknowledged that we always need to communicate all brand values in unison, never focusing on just one value, or worse, ignoring any of them. If we are intelligent but not professional, we could be seen as arrogant. If we are convenient but not trustworthy, we could be seen as cheap. And so on. So, in everything we do, we make sure that we embody all six things. This brand system really focuses on putting people first and making investing transparent, less intimidating, and accessible. In an intelligent, convenient, professional, trustworthy, empowering, and thoughtful.

Achieve further differentiation

As more companies are entering the investing space, we knew we needed to incorporate additional elements to our brand in order to differentiate ourselves from others. We deeply believe in our unique proposition and values, and are committed to delivering them to you. But to deliver them most effectively, we need to stand out. That’s why we put so many resources towards this.

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