Weekly Market Buzz: An emerging trend you might have missed

28 July 2023

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With all the excitement this year surrounding Big Tech (here’s our take on it), there’s another trend that might have slipped under the radar. But it seems the spotlight is now starting to pivot back onto emerging markets (EM). Let’s take a look at the trend that’s emerging.

What’s going on with EMs?

1. EM economies are growing fast

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) forecasts that emerging economies will grow by an average of 4.2% in 2024, compared to 1.4% for developed economies – the widest growth differential in a decade. The IMF also predicts that China and India will be the top contributors to global growth in 2023, together responsible for a staggering 50.4% of total world growth.

2. EM stocks are cheap

When it comes to investing, it’s always important to consider valuation. The cyclically adjusted price-to-earnings (CAPE) ratio (our Jargon Buster below breaks this down) is used here to paint a long-term picture of valuation. Based on this metric, the emerging world as a whole is almost twice as cheap as the developed world, with EM stocks trading at a CAPE ratio of 15.1x versus 27.9x for their developed peers. This owes largely to the very cheap China (with a CAPE ratio of 10.9x) and the very expensive US (with a CAPE ratio of 33.8x).

3. EM currencies are strengthening

Five of the world’s top eight performing currencies against the USD this year have been Latin American EMs (see the graph below), off the back of higher yields. And with cooling inflation, bets are that the Federal Reserve (the Fed) will stop hiking interest rates, which would send the value of the greenback lower. Strengthening EM currencies mean increasing returns for international investors, when gains are converted back into their home currency.

What’s the takeaway here?

EMs may just be taking back the spotlight soon. Recent poorer performance in EMs can be attributed to the impact of China, which has faltered in its recovery. The chart below shows how much better EMs (black line) would have performed, if you exclude China (blue line). The index still lags behind global stocks (grey line), but by a thinner margin.

But there are also broader risks – a slowdown in the developed world would test just how much EM economies have managed to decouple from their more developed peers. Meanwhile, China’s slow recovery could dent growth in the EMs that are reliant on it.

So it may be better to take a balanced approach to EM assets, which tend to be more volatile. For diversified exposures to both developed and emerging markets, consider staying invested with our General Investing portfolios, powered by StashAway or BlackRock®. And if you’re looking for more control over your investment strategy, our Flexible portfolios let you custom-tailor your own asset allocations.

This article was written in collaboration with Finimize.

🎓 Jargon Buster: CAPE ratio

Despite its complex name, the cyclically adjusted price-to-earnings ratio, or CAPE ratio, has a simple purpose. Like its cousin, the P/E ratio, the CAPE ratio shows how much investors are willing to pay for a company's earnings – but takes it a step further, instead using average earnings over the past ten years. This smooths out the ups and downs of business cycles.

✨ StashAway’s 2023 H1 Returns and H2 Outlook articles are both out now!

We’re halfway through 2023 now, and it’s been rather hectic. From mini banking sector crises in the US and Europe, to the emergence of AI hype – it’s safe to say that we’ve gone through a lot so far. But there’s no need to feel out of the loop, we’re here to shed some light:

Our Returns in the First Half of 2023 - For the first half of the year, we’ve taken the bull market by the horns, and safely. See how our portfolios have performed year-to-date June 2023.

2023 H2 Market Outlook - For the second half of the year, we’re taking a step back to look at the bigger, longer-term picture, and why we see silver linings for future returns.

Join our co-founder and CEO Michele Ferrario and Chief Investment Officer Stephanie Leung as they share our portfolio returns in H1 2023 and discuss the likelihood of a recession in the coming months.

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  • What Flexible Portfolios are and why they can be a useful tool for you
  • The different use cases for Flexible Portfolios with examples
  • A step-by-step demo on how to use Flexible Portfolios

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